Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Screen Saver

I think that everyone needs a fun screen saver. Here mine is!!! Jade laughed very hard when he saw it. I am also very excited the the release date for Twilight was moved up to November 21st. Three weeks early!!!!


Introspective Steph said...

is Edward played by the same guy who played in Harry Potter. The guy that died in the Triwizard competition? They look a lot like.

p.s. a long time ago I used to go to the Wauseon Branch and you looked famaliar when I was looking at Jessica's blog....That's how I found your blog.

Stephanie (Godwin) Puterbaugh

DaiseyB said...

Hi somehow or other I got to your blog and since you are fellow LDS I put you on my blog list so I can go back and keep up with you and your 3 lovely daughters. I am a 57 year old Nanna and when I first heard about the Twilight series I thought, " Not me, those are for the younger generation." I finally broke down and bought Twilight and started it yesterday, well I am already almost halfway thru. What is it about the books that keep you so engrossed that you can't put them down. I too am looking forward to seeing the movie. You have a sweet blog and I will visit often.