Thursday, August 14, 2008

Could anyone help me with this?

I feel like Addie walks around all day like this and if she could talk she would say "Could anyone give me a little hand at this? This is getting a little old!!!!"

A moment where she is not rubbing her gums but she still has that darn pacifier in her mouth!! If anyone has some secret to helping her not hurt so much drop me a note. You would think that with three kids I should know what to do. It still never hurts to ask for new info.

1 comment:

Brit said...

You can read all about your binky losing adventures in my archive from last July or August. Oh it was so fun...ahhh. I started back in May or June only letting him have his binky at naptime and bedtime. Whenever he got out of his crib, it was his job to put his binky away in his drawere and it wouldn't come back out until bed. Then one day I clipped all of E's binky's and then handed them all to him and told them they were broken. He tried sticking them in his mouth and stuff, but it wouldn't work. He eventually gave up, but bedtimes were the worst and that's when he started climbing out of his crib all the time so we transistioned to a big boy bed and got rid of the binky all at the same time. If I could do it again, I would have put him in a big boy bed first and got that under wraps and then taken away the binky. It was just hard to do both at the same time. can read all about on the archives. Good luck!