Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Strawberry Jam

Okay, so I know I have better things to do with my time like cleaning but today I just wanted to do something fun that is not an everyday kind of thing. I got this idea that I would love to make Strawberry Jam with the girls. To tell you the truth I think that I am trying to keep myself busy well Jade is out of town again. He might be back in a week and a half or so. So today the girls and I went to the zoo again, did the macy school-nap-pick up macy thing, then started the jam. After about four phone calls to Susan (my sister) and a lot of reading online I think that the girls and I have done pretty good for ourselfs. Hanna and Macy helped cut the strawberrys and Addison helped eat a pound of them well I was looking things up online. She loves strawberrys. So now all I have to do is add something cute to the outside and they are set to give as fun spring gifts. It was fun, fast and easy to do. Now all I need is some bread.
I think that everyone should try something new every now and again. You never know how much fun you can have till you try.

Macy was so proud of herself.
She is going to take some into school and share it for snack.

Strawberry Jam
6 cups mashed strawberrys
1/4 cup lemon juice
One pack of pectin
7 cups sugar

Mash strawberrys mix in lemon juice. Add to pot. Keep stiring the whole time. Turn to high heat and add pack of pectin. Mix till rolling boil. Add sugar and bring back to rolling boil. Boil for 1 min. Turn heat off let sit for a few min. If using jars heat them in really hot water so they don't crack when you add the jam. You can find all kinds of info online about it so have fun. This recipe made 8 half pint jars and 4 pint jars. Susan say that freezer jam is really easy. I am going to try that next. Wish me luck.

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1 comment:

The Arizona Richters said...

yes - great job Ms. Laura!! I am going to try that out here soon--you've inspired me! I am all about learning new things out here in the 'wild'. Jade will be so proud of all you've done when he gets back, too- even if it's to keep you sane it will benefit him greatly.