Monday, June 23, 2008


Here is the reason I have fallen off the face off the earth. Jenny (Jade's cousin) recommended the Twilight series to me. I was willing to try them out because if Jenny said that she likes them more the Harry Potter then they must be good. Well, she was right. I love them. I started the first one at camp and only got past about 100 pages. Once I got home I read the rest in two days. Then I went and bought the next one New Moon and had to promise Jade that I would only read a chapter that night. After about 3 hours and the fact that I was on page 350 he realized that I was not going to keep that promise. Two days later I am done and can't wait to go get the next one. I did tell Jade that I would wait a few days before I got it so that the kids and him did not feel so neglected. I just want to say thanks Jenny. A really good read.


Nathan, Kassie and Emilie said...

My house nearly fell apart when I read them. It's impossible to put them down!

The Arizona Richters said...

it's seriously all the rage out here. the bishopric has read it, one of the counselors 17 year old sons, and other guys.. My curiosity is seriously seriously piqued!

Anonymous said...

If you like this, you'll like Host - her new book it just came out and is aimed at a more adult audience.