Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mom & Dad of the Year!!!

Jade and I went out Bob Evans Last week one morning after we dropped the girls of at school. Addie went with us. We sat down and asked her what she would like for breakfast. She opened her little kids menu and turned to the last page and said with a big smile on her face " This!" She was pointing to the Ice cream Sunday! We both agreed that the other two were not with us what was it really going to hurt if she was to have ice cream for breakfast? Well, our 60 year old server took or order and looked at us like we were the worst parents in the world. Now when she came back to our table with the ice cream she under stood why we did what we did when she saw Addie's face. Her eyes lit up, she gasped and with the biggest smile Said "Thanks mom thanks dad!!!" You can't replace memories like these small little ones that only happen when they are so sweet and young.

Her happy cheese once she got over the excitement of the desert. She even decided that it would be easier to us a spoon then her tongue.

Lip licking good!
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Megan Gery said...

that first picture is priceless!

Unknown said...

Awesome. And what a cute little sweetie! I'm in the camp that firmly believes ice cream is an acceptable breakfast item, should it appeal to you. It goes particularly well, in place of milk, with warm apple oatmeal. Oh, the memories... :-)

Creative Minx said...

Desserts for a meal are not shunned in my home!!!!

Pattylicious said...

Sometimes you just have to have ice cream....and it often times does not matter what time of day it is. She is too precious.