Monday, January 28, 2008

This is what you get with girls!

If you have been living under a rock for the last few months you might not know who Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus is. More then likely you know who she is. Macy and Hanna LOVE HER. Most know of the crazy ticket sales that she has had for her concert. To be sold out in 3 min. is crazy. Now the new very exciting thing is that they have taken this record setting concert and made it in to a movie. Ya me!!! Doesn't a room full of 100 crazy little girls singing out of tune sound fun? The girls are so excited. Tickets are already sold out for the first three days and it is only out for 6 days. So, if anyone is thinking of playing the 50/50 game of getting and pregnant getting a girl. This is what you have to look forward to! But I would never trade my three girls for anything as Addison is dancing to the Hannah Montana music that is playing on the computer!! Only one and rocking like her big sissy. What ever happened to the Wiggles?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Falling off the face of the earth

No we have not fallen off the face of the earth. Jade went out of town to work the 1st of January. Hershey, PA building a power house. Needless to say it has been a little busy around here for me a newly single mom. It has not been the most fun but I think that it is getting better every day. Jade came home once two weeks ago. That was a lot harder then him just staying gone. It was like we had to start all over again. The kids really miss him but they talk on the phone about three times a day and he sends them videos every now and then. Addison has gotten really good at saying " Hi dad!" Hanna every time that she gets the phone handed to her say "Sorry Dad." I think that I should stop tell her that if she is bad I'm going to call her dad. The girls have really enjoyed the new sleeping arrangements. I don't think that Jade will be getting his side off the bed back anytime soon!!! Macy has gotten really good at writing her name. Which I love that she can do. We are alive and cold here in Ohio and I hope all is well with you all.